Can Your Gerbil Eat Noodles?

It isn’t easy raising a perfectly happy and healthy gerbil, let us tell you that. If you wish to bring home one, you’ll have to ensure you’re on your toes to provide quality care to your gerbil. If you lack, your gerbil might experience a significant decline in its health.

You need to ensure you’re feeding your gerbil the right foods that suit their digestive system. If you don’t, your gerbil might develop numerous digestive disorders that lead them straight to the vet’s office. If you don’t want that to happen (which we’re sure you don’t), you might want to stick to your gerbil’s diet rules.

Can Your Gerbil Eat Noodles?

No, your gerbil cannot eat noodles. We’re sorry to disappoint you; noodles aren’t suitable for your gerbil’s health. Most gerbils cannot digest noodles, which causes them to get stomach aches and sometimes, even diarrhea. So, it’s better not to feed your gerbil noodles to stay on the safe side.

The problem with noodles is that they’re made from white flour, which is too heavy for gerbils to digest. Also, white flour lacks many nutrients that a gerbil needs to stay healthy and strong, making them a big no. Noodles are basically carbohydrates, which aren’t too digestible for your gerbil.

Hence, we suggest you steer clear of any noodles. However, if you want, you can occasionally feed raw noodles to your gerbil as long as they’re made from wheat. But that isn’t necessary as there are many other healthy options to give to your gerbil. Feeding your gerbil noodles isn’t a must.

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Also, please remember never to feed cooked noodles to your gerbil. Cooked noodles are oily, and they contain plenty of water. Both these ingredients aren’t healthy for your gerbil. Oil can lead your gerbil to have high cholesterol, while excessive water may cause bloating.

Can Gerbils Eat Noodles?

Can A Gerbil Get Sick From Eating Noodles?

yes, a gerbil can get sick from eating noodles. As we’ve mentioned earlier, noodles aren’t digestible for gerbils. So, when they eat noodles, they may experience stomach aches and sometimes, even diarrhea.

If you must feed your gerbil noodles, please make sure they’re raw and made from wheat. Otherwise, it’s best to give your gerbil other healthy options such as fruits, vegetables, and pellets.

Can Gerbils Eat Konjac Noodles?

No, gerbils cannot eat konjac noodles. they are also known as yam noodles, shirataki noodles, or glucomannan noodles, and are made from the root of the konjac plant.

They are very low in calories and carbs, and would not provide any nutritional value for your gerbil.

Are There Any Alternatives for Noodles?

If you want your gerbil to have Italian feasts, you can always go with feeding them traditional pasta. It does matter whether you cook the pasta. If like to know more about why you should not give cooked pasta to your gerbil can read more about it here

If you’ve decided to cook pasta for your gerbil, please ensure it doesn’t have too much water, as excessive water can overhydrate your gerbil. A generous amount of water is needed to keep your gerbil hydrated, but excessive water can cause other problems, which might be problematic.

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Another important thing to remember is never to give hot pasta to your gerbil. The extreme heat might burn your gerbil’s tongue and hurt their teeth.

It would help if you remembered that gerbils are super sensitive to numerous things, extreme coldness and heat being two of them. So, whenever you feed your gerbil pasta, you’ll have to remember the things mentioned above.

Your gerbil will be fine as long as you’re vigilant regarding how cooked the pasta is. Wheat pasta is pretty fulfilling for your gerbil, considering how small their digestive systems are. But please, be careful regarding the pasta’s serving; you wouldn’t want your gerbil to overeat.

Final words

Noodles are made from white flour, which is too heavy for gerbils to digest and lacks many nutrients that a gerbil needs to stay healthy.

Noodles are basically carbohydrates, which aren’t too digestible for your gerbil. Hence, we suggest you steer clear of any noodles.