Caring for a gerbil may seem easy, but it isn’t. Gerbils require constant care and attention, especially regarding their diet and meals. Gerbils belong to the rodent family, making them sensitive to everything. If you want your gerbil to stay healthy, we recommend you monitor them all the time.
No parent would want their pet to fall sick, so you must ensure your gerbil’s eating foods suitable to their digestive system. A gerbil’s digestive system is fragile, making them prone to food poisoning if they gulp the wrong food. Hence, please ensure your gerbil is fed only healthy foods.
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Can Your Gerbil Eat Aloe Vera?
No, your gerbil cannot eat aloe vera. Aloe vera is a plant, and gerbils can typically eat plants; however, aloe vera is toxic for a gerbil. If your gerbil consumes aloe vera, they might get stomach pain as the aloe vera’s toxins won’t be suitable for your gerbil’s digestive system.
Aloe vera is also a hard substance to chew so that it can harm your gerbil’s teeth. Your gerbil will exert a lot of power to chew aloe vera, harming their teeth. So, it’s better not to feed your gerbil any aloe vera. Instead, you can feed them some other plant or seeds that fare them well.
If you’ve mistakenly fed your gerbil some aloe vera, they might not experience any digestive problems, as long as the aloe vera is in small amounts. However, it will help your gerbil’s health and your mental peace if you ensure that your gerbil steers clear from any aloe vera.
Aloe vera has numerous benefits for humans, especially for their skin. But when it comes to your gerbil, aloe vera is a poison that should be kept away from. Hence, please know aloe vera is a big no for your gerbil’s health.
![Can Your Gerbil Eat Aloe Vera?](
My Gerbil Ate Some Aloe Vera, What Do I Do?
Now you know that Alow Vera is toxic for your gerbil, does it mean it will die? Do need to go to a Vet?
If your gerbil ate a very small amount of aloe vera, they might be okay and not show any symptoms. If you see any changes in your gerbil’s behavior or eating habits, it is best to take them to the vet to get checked out. Some common symptoms include:
- – Diarrhea
- – Vomiting
- – Loss of appetite
- – Lethargy
If your gerbil has any of these symptoms, it is best to take them to the vet as soon as possible. Aloe vera is poisonous for a gerbil, so do not try to treat them yourself at home. Let a professional decide the best course of action.
What Plants Are Safe for Gerbils?
Plants are typically pretty safe for your gerbil, depending on their nutritional value. If you want to feed some plants to your gerbil, broccoli will be a suitable option as they’re healthy and nutritious. Broccoli also has plenty of healing properties, making them an excellent food to have in your gerbil’s diet.
Apart from broccoli, your gerbil can also eat a lot of kale. Kale contains numerous minerals and nutrients that your gerbil can benefit from. Hence, you can add kale to your gerbil’s diet as long as it’s raw and not cooked. You’ll lessen the raw nutritional effect your gerbil can acquire if you cook it.
Your gerbil can eat carrots as well. However, carrots are hard to chew, making them tricky for your gerbil. Apart from that, carrots are also a pretty healthy vegetable for your gerbil. So, you can give them carrots now and then.
You’ll have to remember that your gerbil is not to be fed too much, as excessive food can prevent them from digesting food properly, causing them to experience tummy issues. If you don’t want to visit your vet at 2 in the morning, please ensure to monitor your gerbil’s meal sizes.
Final words
So, while your gerbil can’t eat aloe vera, they can enjoy a healthy diet of plants like broccoli, kale, and carrots. Make sure to provide plenty of fresh water and hay for your furry friend and they’ll be contentedly munching away in no time! If they ate some Aloe Vera, watch them closely for change in behavior. if your gerbils act differently, see a vet.